Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Reflection

As a whole I enjoyed blogging. When I first heard that we were going to be blogging in this class I felt like it was the end of the world. I didn’t like the idea of blogging on an everyday basis. As time went on I started to enjoy the blogging. It helped clear my head and get a lot of my feelings out on paper. The first two weeks of blogging were fine for me. I had plenty to write about. I felt like it was not a challenge. The last week of blogging came and by this time I was running out of things to write about. I felt overwhelmed and more challenged. All through the week I kept thinking to myself, when will this be over? Then I thought I only have a few days left I got this. As a whole blogging brought me many challenges and successes. My challenges were writing for time and length, having something to write about, and making it an everyday thing. I feel like my successes would have to be becoming a more fluent writer. I didn’t have to go back at the end of writing my blog and correct many things. I feel like as time went on I was able to write more of what came to my mind rather than writing about what happened that day. Blogging also showed me what type of writer I am. The process of blogging is very amazing. I feel blogging really does help writers become a better free-writer. In a way you learn what type of writer you are and what methods of writing you use. You read your posts and reflect on your writing skills. I believe blogging helps a writer keep writing everyday to improve. The more you write the better your skills become. Over time I feel like you continue to improve your writing skills. I guess the saying practice makes perfect would apply here. Throughout the process I did find things I did and did not like. One thing I liked about blogging was that it was like a dairy for me. I could pour my heart out and it not get judged. I also liked how I could read my other classmates posts to get more insight on my audience. I liked how I could continue to see improvement in my writing as I went along. One thing I did not like about blogging was how it was an everyday thing. I feel that more students would take blogging more seriously if it was an every other day thing. I realized as I was going through my classmates blogs many of them were not posting every day. Maybe that might help this assignment be more successful for some. Another thing I did not like about blogging is how there was a length requirement. With the length requirement in mind all the time it made it hard to really free-writing. I feel as if blogging really helped me improve my writing abilities. Everything has its successes and challenges. In the end we all take something from it, whether it is good or bad. Blogging was not that bad after all. I enjoyed blogging.  


  1. It really looks like you have taken to this blogging thing really well. Your posts are always well over the min word count and it seems like you have a lot to say! i say keep at it!

  2. This is a very nice reflection - honest and self reflective. I hope you will keep writing as you have a very nice body of work here. ~Ms. A.
