Monday, September 29, 2014

Audience Feedback

Okay now after all my group has gave me feedback I can finally revise my essay. I must say that the feedback I received was excellent. I love my whole group. They are such awesome individuals. Although some of us writers feel our work is perfect it most of the time is not the case. Some need help with structure, grammar, format, and others need help with making their paper flow. Whatever the need is though will make you become a better writer. Revising is the most important step of a paper. It's where you go back and make sure you are on topic and fulfill your audience's desire to read your paper. Many of my group members had to say the same things about my paper. It was on topic, had flow, had a clear thesis, and fulfilled their desire, but it was lacking information about my friends and how I made changes in my life. As I was revising my essay I took all these criticisms into perspective and applied them to my paper. I felt like after hearing what my audience had to say that they were totally right. I did need to write more on each of these topics. I did need to provide more detail. Revising takes time. It's not something that can just happen overnight. It's a process we have to learn and account for. I have learned this throughout my first paper for this class. Getting feedback and hearing what my audience had to say about my paper whether it be good or bad was an amazing feeling. It made me more alert on my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. I feel like after this first experience I'm a more fluent and vivid writer. I'm more aware of things as I write and edit. I really enjoyed this and I think I'm going to continue to enjoy this group feedback. I wish English teachers would do this more often in schools, because I really feel it helps you realize things as a writer. I feel if more teachers applied this method then there would be more excelled writers in this world. I really enjoyed each and one of my audience's feedback. You know who you are as your reading this. Thanks so much for the AWESOME feedback again! You guys are amazing. For the rest of my classmates who are not in my group, I hope you are enjoying this as much as my group and I. 

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