Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reading My Group's Essays

Wow! We all write different. I realized this after reading each essay in my group. How people start off their papers are different. Even down to the choice in word vocabulary. But I would have to say the one thing that stayed the same throughout each member in my group is how personal and from the heart it came from. Which makes sense, because this was a personal narrative assignment. I really enjoyed reading different peoples essays. It showed me how differently we all write and showed me different writing skills of others. As you read your own essay some things like grammar, structure, format, spelling errors, and etc. are not easy to catch. But as you read other peoples work these things are more easily caught. I think this is because we re-read our own work multiple times before we turn it in. Sometimes our mind doesn't catch the little stuff if we've read it so many times. When you’re reading other peoples work you tend to catch these errors, because it either doesn't make sense or it is simply misspelled. I think out of all my group members I enjoyed reading Christina's essay the most, because not only did it touch me in a way but she had passion in her writing. I could also tell that she had a better idea of the assignment. Her essay made the most sense to me. But everyone’s essay in my group was very good and well thought out. Another essay in my group that was from the heart and had me thinking was Benjamin's essay. Benjamin wrote about his unhealthy lifestyle after his grannie past away and how he turned it around. He turned it around by using life morals he thought he didn't believe in anymore. It really takes power to do something like that and I say this because I know myself. Benjamin's essay impacted me so much, because I myself dealt with something similar to this. When my grandma passed two years ago I got into pain pills. After being on pain pills for about nine months I met my fiancée. He helped me through it and showed me the right path to take. Shortly after that I sought help and got on anti-depressants to help. I was only on those for about four months before I stopped cold turkey. Now with the support of my family and my fiancée I can talk about my issues and problems. This experience brought me to things I believe in life such as it did with Benjamin. It is a hard thing and I know exactly how Benjamin felt. Benjamin's essay impacted me the most. Although all my group members essay were awesome those two stood out to me. I hope by reading each essay I can gain knowledge on my own writing and become a better editor of my own work.

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