After fighting this sickness for about a week now I can
finally say that I'm able to get out of my bed. It's been real, but a little
too real. I've been up and down all week coughing and blowing my nose. I
honestly don't know where I got this sickness. I haven't really been around
anyone this past three weeks other than Jon. All that matters though is that
I'm slowly but surely getting over this crap. I hate being sick for more than a
day. I'd rather puke my guts out for 24 hours straight then have a cold for a
week. I know what you’re saying I'm crazy, but who likes being sick for a week?
Not this chick! I hate being sick period. My theory is, that it's better to get
it over with in one day then drag it out for many days. I think the reason I
say this is, because I wasn't able to go to the gym this WHOLE week! Instead I
had to sit at home in bed feeling sick, helpless, and lazy. I hate feeling
lazy. It's like the worst feeling there is, well I guess besides being sick. But
you get my point. Feeling lazy makes me feel like I've gained an elephant in my
tummy and lost all my power (or muscle). But on the bright side at least I'm
getting over this yucky stuff (knock on wood). Hopefully by Sunday I'm able to
breath, stop coughing, go to the gym, and tan. I've missed my tanning. I only
have a week left of tanning before we move to a town (our town) where the
tanning beds stink. Another perk to feeling better is that I can enjoy my fiancĂ©es’
grandpa's birthday dinner with the family tomorrow. I was scared I was not
going to be able to go. You know how it is first you don't feel good and you
don't want to get others sick, but also he is turning 88 years old. The old
folks can't be getting sick, because if they do usually it turns into something
worse. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I'm the one who got him
sick. So I'm glad I'm getting better before this weekend. Getting better means
multiple things. One, being able to go to the gym and tan. Two, being able to
enjoy family time. Three, getting sleep. And four feeling better. Man I feel
like I've been ranting this whole time. I'm sorry guys. I really didn't know
what else to write about. I know one thing I like this blogging just not every
day. Maybe like every other day would be better. Well I guess I'll close with
this, have a wonderful weekend! I know I will, because I'm FINALLY feeling
better. :)
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