Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Year & A Half

Wow! I can't believe today marks a year and a half with Jon. It's amazing. I can't possibly describe to you my feelings for this wonderful man God sent to me. He has been there since day one and continues to be. Even when things are a little crazy in my life. He never gave up on me he always helped me. It doesn't seem like it should be a year and a half with him. Trust me, it feels more like 10 years with him as funny as that seems. I know what you’re thinking it's only a year and a half. Why are they making a big deal about it? But only if you knew half of the life struggles we've been through you would understand more. I'll tell you a couple things. One thing (I feel this is the most important one) he stuck by my side once he found out I was popping pills to cope with my grandmother's death. This is when we first started dating. He didn't leave when many guys would, but he stuck by my side and helped me through my grandmother's death a different way. He gave me love and support that I never thought I deserved. I can't possibly imagine what kind of person I would be today if it wasn't for Jon. He was a life survivor for me. You don't even know and I can't possibly describe how that moment was in our life. Another moment is, we lived 45 minutes away from each other and still managed for things to work. There was nothing going to stop us. We knew what we had was love and we knew we were meant for each other. We stuck it out for the both of us and made this work. Yeah don't get me wrong it was hard, time consuming, and gas consuming. It was either I went and seen him or he came and seen me. Most days it was me going to see him, because it was just easier that way. We've been through so much together it is just so unbelievable that today marks a year and a half with my soul mate. I'm so happy! I feel like I'm being so gushy in this post. LOL. Anyways, to celebrate tonight we are going to see the movie "Equalizer" with Denzel Washington in it. It looks amazing. Of course I let him pick the movie so I picked dinner. I decided we would go to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. He hates Mexican food, but it is my favorite types of food. I guess we will be both sucking it up for each other tonight, because that's what you do when you love someone. I'm so excited for tonight I can't wait! To end in this post, before Jon left school this morning he gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, “Happy one year and a half babe. I love you.” How sweet! I love Jon! Hope everyone has a splendid rainy Thursday! I know I will. :)

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