Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My Mother

Today I'm blanking on what to write about. So I decided I would write about my mother. My mother is my inspiration. She is hero. My mother is one strong lady. She has two kids; my brother and I. I'm the oldest. My mother had me at the age of fifteen. Man was it hard on her and my father. They were still in high school when they had me. They ended up not finishing high school or getting any education for that matter, because they had to work all the time to make ends meet. I guess that's why you should not have kids in high school. But in a way I'm glad they had me young. Although it was hard because they weren't always around to watch me in sports or school functions (they were working), they were young and fun parents. Back to my mom. My mom’s name is Kelly. My mom is the reason I'm so internally strong. She taught me no matter the time in crisis always keep your head up and power through the tough time. Her words, "You'll get there eventually it just takes time and effort. God has a plan. He wouldn't do this if he didn't think you couldn't handle it. It will only make you stronger." Those are the words I think back to every time I am having a bad day or I'm going through a hard time. I think back to them, because my mom always tells her self this and others. But most importantly I watched my mom live by those words growing up. My parents got divorced when I was five years old. My mom was a single parent for the longest time before she had my brother. Then she had my brother and fast forward 11 years later and she is a single parent of two. The fathers of her kids aren't so pleasing. Hint that's why she isn't with them no more. They aren't willing to help her with child expenses. So in saying all this my mother lived by those words being a single parent trying to make ends meet. My mother has courage that is for sure. She could have given up many times and made us go without, but she didn't. I hope when I have kids I will be at least half the mother she is. My mother is my hero. My father has never really been there for me. He hasn't watched any sport games of mine or been involved in my life. He blames me for that, but isn't it his choice? He wasn't there when I got my license and he wasn't there through the rough time I had my junior year of high school. He wasn't there, but you know who has always been there? My mother. My mother has always been there since day 1. Yeah sometimes she missed games, but at least she attended more than four games the whole four years I played. My mother does what she can to the best of her abilities for both her kids. She would die for us. I salute my mom. She is definitely one in a million and I'm proud to say she's one in a million mother of my brother and me. She is someone I can talk to about anything no matter the circumstances, she's there. She's there to listen and provide her knowledge. I love my mom more than words can say. I appreciate my mother for giving me the courage and strength I have. My mother is who I look up to. Who do you look up to?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Audience Feedback

Okay now after all my group has gave me feedback I can finally revise my essay. I must say that the feedback I received was excellent. I love my whole group. They are such awesome individuals. Although some of us writers feel our work is perfect it most of the time is not the case. Some need help with structure, grammar, format, and others need help with making their paper flow. Whatever the need is though will make you become a better writer. Revising is the most important step of a paper. It's where you go back and make sure you are on topic and fulfill your audience's desire to read your paper. Many of my group members had to say the same things about my paper. It was on topic, had flow, had a clear thesis, and fulfilled their desire, but it was lacking information about my friends and how I made changes in my life. As I was revising my essay I took all these criticisms into perspective and applied them to my paper. I felt like after hearing what my audience had to say that they were totally right. I did need to write more on each of these topics. I did need to provide more detail. Revising takes time. It's not something that can just happen overnight. It's a process we have to learn and account for. I have learned this throughout my first paper for this class. Getting feedback and hearing what my audience had to say about my paper whether it be good or bad was an amazing feeling. It made me more alert on my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. I feel like after this first experience I'm a more fluent and vivid writer. I'm more aware of things as I write and edit. I really enjoyed this and I think I'm going to continue to enjoy this group feedback. I wish English teachers would do this more often in schools, because I really feel it helps you realize things as a writer. I feel if more teachers applied this method then there would be more excelled writers in this world. I really enjoyed each and one of my audience's feedback. You know who you are as your reading this. Thanks so much for the AWESOME feedback again! You guys are amazing. For the rest of my classmates who are not in my group, I hope you are enjoying this as much as my group and I. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

One Week To Go

We have one week to go on this blogging thing. Hallelujah!! I mean it isn't too bad I just hate how it is an everyday thing. Maybe if it was every other day it would be more pleasing. Plus, who likes to take time out of their weekend to sit down and blog? Not me. I like for my weekends to be spent with family and friends free from homework. I really don't even know what to write anymore. My brain feels fried. Does anyone else feel the same way? I feel like I'm going to ramble this week more than I have been this whole time just to try to finish. I don't know maybe that is the point of this, to just say what is on your mind. Well if I was going to do that many people might feel offended. I guess I'll try it though, but maybe keep it PG. Jon and I are getting ready to head to the gym. He is actually mixing my pre-workout as we speak. I think today we are going to do arms. I kind of don't want to wear my cut-off today, because I feel fat. The reason I feel fat is because I didn't go to the gym all week last week, because I was sick. But I guess I will get over the feeling of being fat, because I know I will be hot if I change outfits. Before I started writing this blog we had someone come and look at our apartment. They were possible renters for when we move out. Funny thing is that I know her. We met at the gym. It was kind of weird to have her in my house though. When it comes down to it I think it is fine, because I'm moving anyways in like 2 weeks. This is also another reason I'll be glad to be done with this blogging, because I'll be moving soon and this will just be irritating if I have to move and do this every day. I'll be so happy to be done blogging. When we started this I figured I would definitely hate it. Mid-way through I told myself it wasn't that bad, it helped get things off my mind. I cleared my head. But as time goes on I am beginning to hate it. I think if this blogging was any longer then Ms. A might not get the results she wants, because many people have lives first off and second not very many people like to write. I mean I do, but come on for what 4 weeks straight. I hate it! I'm sorry if I'm rambling. I guess I will get off here and head to the gym. Jon is waiting on me anyways. (He's standing in front of me looking at me lol) So impatient! One more week to go!! We can do this classmates!